Prvok by Buřinka

Vision and implemented projects by Buřinka in one place

We are changing the world of construction and housing. We are not afraid to support paths that have never been taken before. Projects that will take the world of construction and housing to necessary new dimensions.

The story of Prvok

A year-round habitable house made of a special concrete mix was built in just 48 hours.

Printed by a robotic arm that delivers special material directly to its destination, the robot advanced at a speed of 15 centimetres per second, which equates to 2% of its maximum possible output. The robot itself is a Czech innovation from Trpák’s Scoolpt initiative. The house is packed with technologies that make it partially self-sufficient and suitable for the countryside, the city and even water.
The aim of the project was also to draw attention to the benefits of using recycled mixtures in construction, such as the use of recycled PET fibre, which is currently in development. At the moment, it is possible to recycle a house as a conventional concrete building – i.e. to obtain the basic aggregate as filler for other uses, such as transport or industrial buildings.

The Prvok experimental printed house has the ambition to change the direction of the construction industry. That is why Buřinka is a founding member of the Association of Innovative Technologies and 3D Printing in Construction, which is dedicated to research and development activities for additive manufacturing and 3D printing in the construction industry.

Prvok documentary

What you may not know is that we have been documenting the entire experiment of the first 3D printed house from the very beginning. We managed to capture not only the magical moments of the first experimental prints, but also all the challenges that we had to face with the whole team.


Total printing time


Printing speed




Living area



Prvok has captured the attention of literally the whole world with its uniqueness and articles about us have been published on all continents. Together with AMI Communications, we also celebrated a great success when we won the prestigious gold award of the European Excellence Awards (EEA) for the Prvok bybuilding savings bank Burinka (meber of Erste group) project. The communication campaign associated with the printing of our Prvok convinced the jury with its bold and innovative approach. It won first place for this campaign in the Central European region and was also among the top five European projects in the field of finance.

The people of the project

Building savings bank Burinka (meber of Erste group)

Monika Kopřivová

The Prvok project has been absolutely thrilling for me, with a lot of minor and major challenges to overcome. It was amazing to work on something that attracts enthusiasts willing to contribute their time and skill to such an experiment.

AMI Communications

Tereza Syslová

With every new technology comes a change that people instinctively resist. For example, people were concerned that 3D printed houses would take away jobs from construction workers. We built the campaign primarily on authenticity and conveying the 3D printing experience. We revealed every stage of the printing process to the media and the public. We achieved this by working with independent experts and with several waves of media communication, including streamed press conferences and video production.


Michal Trpák

The goal of our robot game is to revolutionize not just the construction industry, but also the visual perception of architecture. I would like to create organic residential sculptures that are unique in their form and method of production and contextual to their surroundings and nature.

Prvok Awards

European Excellence Awards (EEA)

Gold in European Excellence Awards (EEA) for the project Prvok by Buřinka communication campaign in the Central Europe region.

SABRE Awards

First place in the SABRE Awards (Superior Achievement in Branding, Reputation & Engagement) for the best communication campaign in Central and Eastern Europe.

Lemur 2021

A total of 5 awards in the LEMUR – APRA (Association of PR agencies) competition

  • 1st place in the Corporate Communication category
  • 1st place in the Media Relations category
  • 2nd place in the Business to Consumer (B2C) category
  • 2nd place in the Integrated Communication category
  • 2nd place in the Financial Market and Financial Services category

Zlatý středník 20/21

  • 1st place in the PR event category
  • 2nd place in the Integrated Campaign category