To demonstrate the possibilities of using 3D printing in public space, we decided to print a parkour playground. In collaboration with 3Deposition, a company that was created as a spinoff to the research activities at Brno University of Technology, we set to work. The playground was printed in Brno and donated to the city district – Prague 11. Specifically, it is part a multifunctional leisure area at the Kupeckého Primary School and it is freely accessible to any sports enthusiast. On the playground itself you will also find a sign with simple tutorials on basic parkour exercises.
Basic data
Cast rubber is used as an impact surface. The individual elements are printed on a frame printer from material from Master Builders Solutions CZ and filled with concrete to increase safety and strength. A recycled concrete material called „rebetong“, made by Skanska, was used for the foundations of the playground and the earthworks, certification and completion of the playground were performed by Work4out.
Location and opening hours
The exact location can be found through this link. The venue opens at 10:00 and closes at 18:00.
Unveiling of the playground
The unveiling ceremony took place on 30 September, when, in addition to the chairman of Buřinka’s board of directors, Libor Vošický, the mayor of Prague Zdeněk Hřib attended the ribbon-cutting together with other participants in the playground project. Parkour athletes from the IM Academy, led by the course patron and parkour athlete Tomáš Zonyga, were also present at the unveiling and demonstrated how parkour is performed at a professional level in repeated segments. Photos from the unveiling can be seen in the gallery below.
The people of the project
Building savings bank Burinka (meber of Erste group)
Monika Kopřivová
The printed parkour playground organically follows up on the Prvok Project. We would like to again draw attention to 3D printing with concrete, its great possibilities of application in the construction industry and to attract more enthusiasts who will develop this path. I am very much looking forward to the result.
David Škaroupka
Parkour playground by Buřinka is a great opportunity to gain valuable points for the Czech Republic in the imaginary global competition for the first inspiring applications of 3D printed, digital concrete. What I see as unique is that the result will serve everyone, which we really enjoy. At the same time, it is a big responsibility for the entire implementation team, so we are not going to underestimate anything and we are communicating with experts from various fields, from structural engineering, materials to technology. We are also helped by the fact that we are a spinoff company of the Brno University of Technology and we have a lot of support in terms of infrastructure, contacts and experience that we have gained over the last five years.