Samorost project
Into the Depths of Fungi
The exhibition “Into the Depths of Fungi” opens the door to the world of mycelium and its endless possibilities.
From 25November, the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague hosted an exhibition that reflects the fascinating journey of mycelium from the forest to real building material. This experiential exhibition, titled “Into the Depths of Fungi”, represents one of the major milestones of the SAMOROST project, which is researching and developing mycelium-based materials and exploring all the possibilities for their use in sustainable construction. At the heart of the exhibition is a cross-section of the SAMOROST house, which lets the visitor take a peek into the “guts” of the building technology. The mycocomposite in the house serves as a thermal insulator and also beautifies the interior in the form of cladding.
The SAMOROST project was launched in the spring of 2023 by the CS Building Savings Bank Burinka (member of Erste Group) in cooperation with mycological and architectural experts from the MYMO association. The main goal is to motivate start-ups and established companies in the construction industry to start producing mycocomposite on an industrial scale, thus ushering in a new era of sustainable housing.
Into the Depths of Fungi
The exhibition “Into the Depths of Fungi” opens the door to the world of mycelium and its endless possibilities.
From 17 October, the National Technical Library hosted an exhibition that reflects the fascinating journey of mycelium from the forest to real building material. This experiential exhibition, titled “Into the Depths of Fungi”, represents one of the major milestones of the SAMOROST project, which is researching and developing mycelium-based materials and exploring all the possibilities for their use in sustainable construction. At the heart of the exhibition is a cross-section of the SAMOROST house, which lets the visitor take a peek into the “guts” of the building technology. The mycocomposite in the house serves as a thermal insulator and also beautifies the interior in the form of cladding. The SAMOROST
project was launched in the spring of 2023 by the CS Building Savings Bank Burinka (member of Erste Group) in cooperation with mycological and architectural experts from the MYMO association. The main goal is to motivate start-ups and established companies in the construction industry to start producing mycocomposite on an industrial scale, thus ushering in a new era of sustainable housing.
Designblok 2023
For us, the year 2023 was all about the material. This was the year we set ourselves the goal of introducing mycelium to the general public. A unique experiential exhibition of interior elements made of mycelium helped us achieve our aim – to underline the exceptional properties of mycelium and confirm its use in construction and design.
We were able to present several types of interior accessories:
Výstavu podpořila i Jitka Nováčková (modelka, influencerka, bojovnice za ekologii a udržitelnost), která unikátní materiál a interiérové doplňky představila svým sledujícím na sociálních sítích.
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